George Luke

Associate Financial Advisor - Moscow, Idaho Office
(208) 881-0749 ext 2

Text:  (208) 856-6808

George Luke is an Associate Financial Advisor with Axiom Wealth Strategies Moscow Idaho office.

He was raised in Illinois and is an avid learner.  He went to Vanderbilt University (Nashville) and received a B.S. in Child Studies as he pursued a degree in education. He received his M.A. from Bethlehem Seminary (Minneapolis) in Biblical and Pastoral Studies, and apprenticed at Greyfriars Hall while discerning a ministerial call and teaching at various schools. George has the heart of a teacher.

His passion for becoming a wise lover of people and their interactions drove him to study economics, analytics, and finances while he taught.  In 2024, George received a call to become a financial planner, a parallel application of his love for education, finances, and counseling.

George has tried to imitate Christ in the lessons of his mentors, his father’s work ethic and love for people and negotiations, and his mother’s faith in Christ and love for food with family. He loves spending time with the Lord above all, sitting under God’s Word at Church. He loves his wife’s laughs, his daughter’s enthusiastic hugs, working out, throwing his son in the air, and getting eggs from their chickens. He could be found analyzing Clone Wars or a Disney Princess movie with the family, marveling at his wife’s creativity in making deep dish sourdough pizza (and bread pudding recipes), and reading a never-ending list of good books with drink in hand.

Who George is can be reflected in the people in his life he is most thankful for:

  1. His middle school teacher Casey Solgos taught George through Atticus Finch that Christian men courageously fight battles to make a world built on truth.
  2. A minority  economist named Thomas Sowell in Discrimination and Disparities taught George to resist using race, social status, or any personal or societal obstacles as excuses for individual responsibility to manage ourselves well and to serve others.
  3. Doug Wilson’s book To A Thousand Generations helped George think generationally while tending the vine that bears much fruit in this life and the lives to come.
  4. George has learned three main lessons from mentors in his life: be courageous, take responsibility, think generationally.